I led a team of 10 background painters for the first time on a 2D animated feature film. We adapted the Art Director's style while working under tight deadlines. It has to be painterly and detailed at the same time. A challenge  but the production achieved excellent quality, with stunning visual results that I'm particularly proud of. The film will premiere in theaters in Norway this Christmas 2024, followed by an European release in spring, where audiences can fully appreciate the work on the big screen."
Vale­mon: The Polar Bear King is a spec­tac­u­lar and mod­ern ani­mat­ed film based on one of Scan­di­navi­a’s most beloved folk tales. It is a sto­ry of love, greed, courage, and nature’s won­ders, packed with sus­pense, humour, music and breath­tak­ing scenery.
On Screen in Norway for Christmas 2024!
Check the Teaser here:

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